Wednesday, December 19, 2007

survey #11: a-z.

• A
Are you available?:
i guess... i'm not really looking or anything right now.

What is your age?:

Astrology Sign?:

• B
Do you know anyone named Brian?:
i do - i know a few brians, in fact.

When is your birthday?:
seven two eight.


• C
What’s your favorite candy?
i like gummy stuff.

What color is your computer?

• D
Do you daydream?:
um, a bit too much, probably.

Whats your favorite kind of dog?
i love medium-larger size dogs.
i hate the little jumpy dogs.
although, penny holds a special place in my heart ;)

• E
Have you ever been in the emergency room?
oy. twice this year, 3 times last year.
i'm shooting for no ER trips in '08 :P

Have you ever pet an elephant?
i...don't know.

• F
Do you use fly swatters?

Do you like Fall Out Boy?

• G
Do you chew gum?:
i quit. i had a serious addiction,
and that's not an exaggeration.

Do you like gory movies?
depends. is it a horror? is it action?
horror, no.

i have lottts of girl friends.

• H
How are you?
pretty damn good, actually.

What's your height?
five dos.

What color is your hair?
undercover brown.
dyed red.

Have you ever ice skated?:
once...kind of.
on a homemade "rink" with too-big skates.
i'd really like to try again, if anyone wants to go.

• J
Favorite Jelly Bean?
the watermelon ones,
and the toasted marshmallow <3

Do you wear jewelery?:
no. i had a ring for about a week,
but it was apparently too big :(
i loved that ring.

Who do you want to kill?
not usually anyone... but rawr >:o

Have you ever flown a kite?
aw, hell yeah. i LOVE kites.
i should buy one in the spring.

Do you think kangaroos are cute?:
they're cute when they have a joey in the pouch :)
but not a newborn. they're like...fetuses.

• L
Are you laid back?
lately, yeah. :)

Lions or tigers?:
tigers. i want a cub.

Do you like black liquorice?:

• M
Favorite store at the Mall?:
apple & sharper image.
ok, ok...and hollister :P

Favorite movie?
so many.
but i pretty much have a crush on boondock saints.
and 40-yr-old virgin.
...and little miss sunshine...
...and garden state...
...and fight club...
someone, cut me off.

• N
Do you have a nickname?

Do you prefer night or day?
summer nights, winter days.
...and summer days.

• O
Are you an only child?
i was for a long time.
but i guess i'm still the baby sister.

Do you like the color orange?
i love orange :)
...i miss my diesels :(

• P
Do you know anyone named Penelope?
yup :) we call her Penny.

Favorite flavor of popcorn?
kettle corn. *drool*

• R
Do you think you're always right?
hahaha no. i'm just as often wrong, and i can admit it.
...even when i make a total ass of myself,
it just takes me a little longer.

Do you watch reality Tv?
only when jess has it on.
or during the summer when SYTYCD is on <3

• S
Do you prefer sun or rain?:
i looooove summer rain.
everything's nice in moderation.
i can only take sun for so long.

Do you like snow?:
i like it while it's snowing.
i like it when it's good sledding/boarding snow.
i like it when it means i don't have to go somewhere i don't want to.
...i hate how long it takes to melt when it looks like death outside
and my neighbors are being GIANT whores and i can't park anywhere.

• T
Time to go to sleep?:
between... 10:30p - 3am.


• U
Can you ride a unicycle?
never tried... i'd say no, for now.

Do you know anyone with a unibrow?:
yes. 2 people. but one of them shaves it.
no names mentioned.

• V
Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?:

• W
What's your worst habit?
i'm really paying for being too nice to people i don't know well.
but i guess i have a slightly worse habit than that...

Who do you want to be with right now?

Who are you currently talking to?

• X
Have you ever had an x-ray?
oh man, are you kidding?
both knees (millions of times), my hand, my head, my ankes, teeth, jaw...

• Y
Do you like the color yellow?
it will always remind me of my dad.
my dad likes yellow like i like 18.

Do you yell when you're angry?
depends who i'm angry with.
most people, i'll isolate myself from them...
and scream about them to other people.
people i'm close to... oh, i'll yell.
and sometimes cry.

Do you believe in the zodiac?
i'm not sure. my cousin does,
and she's told me some pretty amazingly accurate things based on mine.
but i'm freaked out by depending on a source to tell me how my life will turn out.

Six lasts:
6. Last dream:
fucked. up.
all my dreams the past couple nights have been.
too involved to mention right now.

5. Last beverage:
ensure +.

4. Last person to make you laugh:

3. Last phone call?:

2. Last time you cried?
it was dumb, don't worry about it.

1. Last time you hugged someone?
when i saw benn last night :D

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