Wednesday, January 2, 2008

survey #15: the ___s.

Name 3 schools you went to:
fales, armstrong, gibbons.

Name 3 things in your purse/backpack:
wallet, crochet hooks, cortizone.

Name 3 things you do when you're really stressed:
write, draw, veg.

Name 3 favorite places to shop at:
borders, hollister, calumet.

Name 3 places you go on a daily basis:
i don't go any specific on a daily basis.
i'm working on that one.

Name 3 favorite fruits:
kiwis, oranges, pineapple.

Three names you go by:
emmy. emma. e-rubes.

Three of your Favorite foods:
tilapia, broccoli pot pie, bacon.

Three things you are wearing right now:
my favorite jeans, my favorite sweater, white socks.

The Who's
Who is in the house with you?
just gus & sweetie.

Who did you get this survey from?
brit's little sister.

Who are you thinking about right now?

Who did you last talk to on the phone?
mom - for the first time in like...3 days :P

Who do you sit next to in your 4th period class?
i haven't had a 4th period in 4 years.

Whose birthday is next?
according my ical, that would be doug & btay on the 12th.

Who was the last person you told you loved?

Who gets on your nerves the most at school?
you want to get me started on that?

The Where's
Where do you live?
wham, ma.

Where is your phone?
by my bum.

Where is/are your parent(s)?
i can guarantee dad's in his bed,
and mom's probably in hers, reading.

Where do you sleep?
in...the bedroom off the kitchen...

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
my mom found it at target.

Where is the last place you took a ride to?
the children's hospital in waltham.

Where in your house are you?
the living room.

The What's
What was the last thing you ate?

What color shirt are you wearing?

What kind of cell phone do you have?
verizon lg.

What is the closest item near you that is blue?
my cross-stitch bag.

What do you like best about school?
that i have about 2 months left.

What is your favorite color?
blue & orange.

What kind of surgery have you had?
well, i was greatly involved in a c-section, many years ago.
and i had arthroscopic knee surgery soph year of high school.

What do you wear more; jeans or shorts?

What is the last movie you watched?
love, actually.

What song do you currently hear?
"let go"... my phone just rang :P

The When's
When did you start school?
when they let me back in.
probably at the end of jan.

When is your birthday?
you tell me.
i've put it in a million surveys, already :P

When did you last go to the mall?
when my mom and i went to see juno
i think just before xmas.

When was the last time you bought a pair of pants?
it's been a looong time.
it'd be a waste of money right now.

When were you last kissed?
new years.

When did you last burn a candle?
new years.

When were you last at school?
oct 24, 07.

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